First Visit

Patient History and Symptoms

During this appointment we will conduct a comprehensive assessment including a consultation and examination. Please allow 30-45 minutes.

In preparation for the chiropractic consultation, the patient will be asked to fill out forms that provide background information about his or her symptoms and condition. Prior to your visit you can fill out the intake form online.  If you are unable to complete the forms online, please arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment to complete the forms in the office. 

The Chiropractic Exam

A thorough chiropractic exam includes general tests such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and reflexes, as well as specific orthopedic and neurological tests to assess:

  • Range of motion of the affected part
  • Muscle tone
  • Muscle strength
  • Neurological integrity

Report Of Finding Right After The Chiropractic Exam

Report of Findings from the combination of the above described history, physical examination and any required diagnostic studies lead to a specific diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is established, the chiropractor will determine if the condition will respond to chiropractic care.

At the end of the patient's initial visit, the chiropractor will explain the patient's:

  • Diagnosed condition
  • Individualized chiropractic treatment plan (or other treatments)
  • Anticipated length of chiropractic care

Follow Up Visit

After a first consultation that included treatment,  we will want you to come in for a follow up visit so that improvement, or aggravation, of the condition and any other comments that you may have, can be discussed and addressed.

Depending on your feedback, a second treatment may be offered.  Treatments are specially tailored to fit each patient's individual needs and comfort, utilizing a blend of conventional chiropractic, low force techniques, instrument-based adjusting, soft-tissue work, facilitated stretches, PT modalities, and ergonomic and nutritional advice. 

 The type of techniques used/chosen depends on many factors:

  • presenting condition
  • patient’s comfort
  • practitioner’s skills/qualification

At this point, you and the chiropractor, design an effective evidence-based management plan for the presenting condition.

We aim at managing/resolving your complaint in as few visits as possible. Should this not be achieved within 4 to 6 treatments, the practitioner must consider the re-evaluation of the entire case and as a result the following may be favored:

  1. Investigative imaging such as X-ray
  2. Inform your General Practitioner for further lab tests
  3. Possible referral to another health practitioner

A follow up visit should last approximately  between 15 to 20 minutes.



We Accept Most Insurance:

  • ASH
  • Kaiser
  • Signa
  • United /Aetna
  • Medicare
  • We DO NOT Accept  Blueshield.

 ***You are responsible for you copay and the rest will be billed to your insurance.

***Patient is  responsible for whatever insurance does not cover under plan.